Global Furniture Group

My primary function at Global Furniture Group has been developing an extension for Configura’s CET Designer, a software package that allows manufacturers to add intelligence to their products during the design process. This entails fully understanding how each product operates and interacts with others and programming the rules and interactions for their 3D representations to reflect their real-world uses. As the Lead Developer, I gather project requirements, delegate tasks, organize bi-weekly sprint plans, and run daily Scrum meetings. With CET Designer running on a proprietary programming language (CM), I also train new developers on the language, platform, and our code base. As we complete our programming for product lines, I also organize postmortems to review the process so we are better equipped for the next phase of development. On the user-facing side, I assist with training and monitor bug fixes, making sure issues are handled in a timely manner and our development stays true to our timeline.
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I have always been fascinated with the idea and potential of procedural generation.  I also have been interested in exploring more simplistic games that are void of story, violence and external motivation, but instead are driven by natural competition with others and one’s self. Primitive is an ongoing experiment based on those two interests.  It is an arena-styled survival game where the player controls a sphere attempting to survive as long as possible against constant swarms of other basic 3-dimensional primitives.  Each shape represents a different class with individual movement types and attacks.  The name Primitive is a play on both the shapes that build the game and the simplistic, straight-forward nature of the gameplay. The first map — called Arena — is randomly generated at the start of each game.  The process begins with creating a grid of a specified size, filling each position with one of two prefabs, staggering each one on on each axis, then placing one of two lights spaced evenly throughout the scene: either a static blue light, or a red one that will change colors to represent the current obstacles the player is facing. The second — named Dash — is built of an array of […]
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I’m Cool Now, Right?

Music has been an integral part of my life since I first began playing in the school orchestra in fourth grade.  Since then, I have taught myself to play guitar and bass, experimented with every instrument I could get my hands on, and written songs of many different styles. I’m Cool Now, Right? is an ongoing project to continue expanding my musical horizons by attempting to blend the different genres I love listening to and composing into one seamless experience of its own genre.  The goal is to not have transitions between the various styles, but to take elements from each and stitch them together into something unique.  But most importantly, the songs bear meaning and purpose, and are therefore filled to the brim with emotion. You can find more of my music here:  
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